WriterZen Lifetime Deal

Boost your search engine rankings with a results-oriented workflow

Optimize your content for better SEO rankings with WriterZen. This all-in-one SEO tool will help you write better content, find the right keywords, and track your progress. Get lifetime access to WriterZen today!

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Are you a writer looking for WriterZen Lifetime Deals? Well, look no further because we have gathered some of the best deals on WriterZen just for you! In just a few minutes, you can find precise keywords, accurate topics, and relevant content.

As you already know understanding the user’s needs is the first step to providing them with a solution they’re looking for. WriterZen can help you in your content creation process by suggesting topics related to the main keyword you input. It will also help you find long-tail keywords that have low competition but high search volume.

Whether you trying to understand a user’s search intentions or you just want to rank high on search engines, writerZen will help you achieve your goals. This tool will simplify the complex SEO data into actionable tasks. Also, writerZen will help you get the traffic, subscribers, and sales by helping you rank higher and this will further take your business to the next level.

So what are you waiting for? Check out some of the best WriterZen Lifetime Deals below and get started on your journey to becoming a content writing pro!

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About WriterZen

The writerZen toolset pulls data from Google keyword and suggestion databases to help generate keywords and topics that improve your SEO rankings. With writerZen, you can quickly and easily find the right keywords, create content that thrives, and get detailed insights to improve your search engine visibility.

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WriterZen Dashboard

WriterZen is a great choice for marketers, SEO content agencies, and small businesses that want to improve their search engine visibility. It allows you to generate unique content ideas, use detailed insights to create content that thrives, and identify lucrative long-tail keywords using powerful filters and specialized metrics.

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WriterZen Features

The Writerzen has mainly four useful features that help you to improve your content and SEO for your website. The four features are:

  • Topic Discovery
  • Content Creator
  • Keyword Explorer
  • Plagiarism Checker

Features of WriterZen LTD

Here are some of the cool features you’ll find in the WriterZen lifetime deal that’s available on appsumo. It is important to note that we have listed only some of the most important features, and there are hundreds of features in this SaaS tool that can help you improve your SEO ranking.

Topic Discovery Feature

The topic discovery tool allows you to quickly and easily generate a list of topic ideas related to your main keyword. It also provides detailed insights into each topic, including search volume, competition level, and potential traffic.

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WriterZen Topic Discovery Feature

In other words, the subject of discovery lets you identify a major topic with little competition and tremendous relevance so that you may fill in your knowledge gap and increase your authority on the matter.

However, using writerZen’s topic discovery tool to create topic clusters may also help you build your authority in the topic and position yourself as an industry expert.

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Topic Discovery

Start with typing in a keyword related to your niche. and writer zen pulls up the cluster of topic ideas with that initial keyword. As you see there are thousands of related topics that writerZen can help you with.

From there, you can either choose to write about one of the related topics or go more in-depth with your research by clicking on the “Show Idea” button. When you click on the “Show Idea” button, writerZen will provide you with more information about that particular topic.

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Keyword Difficulty and Relevancy of Keywords

This is valuable because you can get an idea of how much search volume the topic has, how difficult it would be to rank for that keyword, and what kind of traffic you could potentially generate from it. The writerzen also provides you with a Google Insights suggestion by simply clicking on them, you can add the keyword to your list of topics by doing so.

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WriterZen Topic Discovery Section

As you can see to the top of your left side there is two option available for your allows you to customize relevancy to your needs, such as closely, medium, and broadly. Plus this also has the ability to give you result order by relevancy or search volume which suits you the best.

✍🏻 Author’s Note

If you are a beginner or facing difficulties to operate this amazing tool by yourself, then don’t worry. The WriterZen got you coved because it has a textbook mode which you can find on the right side of the top corner.

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WriterZen Textbook Mode

After you’ve enabled it, the tools’ details, definitions, functions, capabilities, and buttons will be visible. This mode will walk you through the basics and help you get up and running quickly by teaching you how to use a tool and how it works so that you can get started. This mode is designed to help new users, so you can turn it off once you feel comfortable using the tool.

Content Creator

Any writer who wants to write about any subject has to do a lot of exhausting things before they start writing content. What kind of exhausting things are they? My point is all the hard work such as keyword research, competitor analysis, competitors’ post quality, and so on.

What if I told you that I had a tool that would prevent you from having to do all that grinding, saving you valuable time? I’m not kidding…

This tool is called “WriterZen.” It has a content creator feature that will help any writer to be more productive and less stressed. The content creator feature consolidates your research into a single place easily, coherently structure your content from scratch, and collaborates with teammates & colleagues efficiently.

Benefits of Content Creator

The content creator feature is a great time saver for any writer. It does all the heavy lifting for you so that you can focus on writing great content. Here are some of the benefits of this feature:

  • Saves you time on research
  • Helps you structure your content
  • Enables you to collaborate with others easily
  • Comes with a rich editor for creating great content
  • Checks for plagiarism to avoid Google penalties
  • Plus, it has an advanced NLP analysis feature that will help your content rank easily.

Also operating this feature is quite simple. All you need to do is feed the seed word into the search bar to discover leading headlines for your pillar and cluster content pages. After you’ve chosen a topic, WriterZen will guide you through the next step in your SEO workflow to help you find relevant keywords that fit your content ideas.

WriterZen has cutting-edge metrics developed by their in-house researchers which makes it easy to pick keywords based on their relevancy, authority, search volume, and competition. You can also select and automatically cluster keywords based on ranking attributes.

From there, you can develop each cluster into an article that will help you target a diverse range of keywords. You can piece together your content with a world-class text editor along with an AI Assistant.

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Writerzen Content Creator Feature

When you click on the content creator option then you can see this page. If you want to create a new topic or new project simply click on the new project button but if you have an existing project then you can see them listed below and click on it to continue the work.

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New Project of Content Creator

After clicking on the new project this pop-up will come. Here you can set the project name, location, and language of your problem. When you have done all that click on the blank box of save the language & location as default and click Add.

Once you’ve done adding things, you need to click on the “Add” button and you’ll be taken to the further instructions page. Here you need to enter the seed keyword and other details and again have to click on the “Add” button.

On this page, it will ask you to enter different types of details, some of these are;

  • Seed Keyword: The keywords that you want to focus on when writing an article are seed keywords.
  • Writer’s Name: This ability gives you the power to locate members of your team by name in order to add them to a project. This ensures that no one else will be able to access the project without your permission.
  • Priority & Delivery Date: If you want to be specific about when your article should be completed or set a deadline for any project. This gives you the ability to do all of these in just one click.
  • Notes: Here you can leave any tips for your writer or your teammate regarding how the project should be handled, or anything else that you think should be included.
  • Google NLP: Google NLP (Natural language processing) is a branch of artificial intelligence that deals with the interaction between humans and computers using natural language. NLP is used to analyze and understand the human language so that the computer can respond in a way that is natural for humans.

You might be shocked to learn that it has the Google NLP function, which will help you improve the quality of your content in order to enhance engagement with readers.

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Competitive Analysis

When you’ve added the seed keywords and other details, it will further analyze the Google SERP’s top 20 results to collect some juicy information like the Table of Content (TOC) used by your competitors, their Word Counts, and the number of headings, images, etc.

Also, you can pick out headings from your competitor’s posts, so that you can create a masterpiece using WriterZen’s sophisticated text editor while covering all the important elements.

Don’t you want more?

I feel you, so let me tell you that it doesn’t stop here. It has a GPT-3 powered AI Assistant which will help you to improve your writing by suggesting words, phrases, and sentences.

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WriterZen GPT-3 AI Assistant

If you are worried about writer’s block or getting stuck in a rut, then this AI is definitely for you as it gives you writer’s block suggestions and ideas to help you break through the writer’s block and come up with new and fresh ideas. Isn’t it amazing though?

Keyword Explorer

As you already know that keyword plays an important role in SEO and it is the main key to improving your article. So, they have a feature called keyword Explorer in which you just need to enter your seed keyword and it will show you a list of related keywords with their monthly search volume, CPC, & difficulty score.

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WriterZen Keyword Explorer

For example, Let’s assume you’re a novice and don’t have any keywords in mind. As a result, you have to do keyword research from the scratch. The WriterZen’s Keyword explorer is the key to your success.

By using this tool, you can get a list of related keywords with their monthly search volume, CPC & difficulty score. You can use that keyword as a seed keyword for your article and can create a masterpiece.

On the other hand, if you are a blogger, Content Writer, entrepreneur, or anyone who wants to rank high in the search engines, then WriterZen helps you find the best potential keyword with high volume traffic.

How its gonna happen?

Simply enter your seed keyword in the keyword explorer and click on the Search then this amazing tool automatically clusters words by topic and finds the winning combination of high traffic volume + low competition.

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WriterZen Keyword Explorer Data

Also, in this feature there are lots of filters is available for your use. By using this you can filter your result based on your requirement and you have found your desired keyword, the next step is to start writing an article using that keyword.


While doing keyword research, you can find an amazing “Golden Filter🌟” option in WriterZen which helps you to easily find the best keyword opportunity for ranking your website.

1. By Ranking Probability

To put it another way, Keywords will be filtered by their likelihood of ranking in the top position in the SERPs. The more well-structured and optimized your website is, the higher its chance of ranking. This will benefit websites that are newer or those with fewer resources that need easy-to-rank keywords.

2. By Potential Value

By utilizing the Golden Score system, Writerzen has filtered out keywords that don’t match its criteria. These are terms that have been sorted by their commercial potential but have little competition.

This may include keywords with a higher allinttile count but compensated by vastly greater search traffic, making them excellent in value while yet difficult to rank. This type of filter fits well with a team that has strong SEO resources and technical experience, which makes them well-suited to targeting more difficult keywords.

Plagiarism Checker

Plagiarism is a big Nooo, not only for students but also for content writers or bloggers. It is very important to check your content for plagiarism before publishing it because if you publish copied content, then there is a big chance that your website will not rank on the search engines.

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WriterZen Plagiarism Checker

Content writers’ main task is to write unique and fresh content, but sometimes they unintentionally copy someone else’s work which results in plagiarism.

So what is plagiarism? Plagiarism is when you use someone else’s words or ideas without giving them credit. This can be done intentionally or unintentionally. Intentional plagiarism is when you know you’re using someone else’s work but don’t give them credit. Unintentional is when you’re not aware that you’re using someone else’s work (for example, if you forget to mention your sources).

Either way, it’s important to avoid plagiarism in your own work. Here are some tips WriterZen also provides a plagiarism checker which helps you to check your content for plagiarism. This is a very important feature for content writers, bloggers, and students.

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Plagiarism Checker Report

So, this amazing tool will help you to find out if there is any copied content in your article or not. If it finds any plagiarized content, then it will highlight that part and you can change it before publishing your article.

Furthermore, you may distribute the Plagiarism Checker report to anybody simply by clicking on the share report button. There’s also an export button so you can save time by just downloading the document. Whatever suits you the best.

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Plans & Pricing

Now we all know all about the WriterZen, What it is, How it works, its benefits, and its features. Let’s move forward to how much it cost you, In this lifetime deal, you may gain access to outstanding features for the rest of your life with a single purchase of WriterZen.

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WriterZen Plans and Pricing

WriterZen offers three different pricing options. Let’s take a look at what each plan includes and what benefits us.

Single Plan

You can purchase a Single plan for just a $79 one-time price. This plan is perfect for most users and especially beginners who are just starting their writing journey and don’t need a large amount of credit. It provides you with all the necessary features that a writer needs to write an article, including a GPT-3 AI Assitance, readability score, 25,000 keyword credit, etc.

In this purchase, you will get all the above-mentioned features. Along with this, you can lookup up to 50 keywords per day, 50 Topic lookups per day, and many more. For writers or bloggers who are just starting out, this is an excellent lifetime deal since it allows them to develop a masterpiece that meets SEO as well as search engine optimization standards.

Double Plan

The writer’s who need a large number of keyword lookups and topic research per day, the Double plan is perfect for them. You can avail this writerzen lifetime deal at a $158 one-time price.

It will offer you all the features that are available in the Single plan with some additional benefits. Under this writerzen ltd deal, you will have access to 75 keyword lookups per day and 75 topic lookups per day.

This writerzen lifetime deal is highly recommended for those who need a large number of keyword research and topic research on a daily basis as compared to beginners. If you are someone who needs to lookup multiple keywords or topics every day, then this writerzen lifetime deal is perfect for you.

Multiple Plan

The Multiple plans writerzen lifetime deals are perfect for those who need a large number of keyword lookups and topic research per day. You can avail this writerzen lifetime deal at a $237 one-time price.

It will offer you all the features that are available in the Single and Double plans with some additional benefits. Under this writerzen ltd deal, you will have access to 150 keyword lookups per day and 150 topic lookups per day.

This writerzen appsumo deal is highly recommended for those who need a large number of keyword research and topic research on a daily basis as compared to beginners or intermediates.

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Final Words

So, these are the writerzen lifetime deals that you can purchase according to your needs and requirements. All the plans offer different benefits and features that a blogger or an entrepreneur needs to rank on the search engine.

You can choose any writerzen lifetime deal that suits you the best and start creating masterpiece strategies and highly SEO optimized articles to rank higher on the search engine.

However, we do recommend choosing the double plan which comes with additional benefits including a higher keyword limit and topic research limit per day. So, what are you waiting for? writerzen lifetime deals are live now, go and avail this amazing writerzen ltd deal before it’s too late.

I hope you found this article helpful. If you have any questions or queries, feel free to ask in the comment section below. I would be happy to help you out.😇